Ukraine war. What is it about? Ukraine v Russia ?


It seems that no one knows that the Ukraine war is about.

No one    Not the main stream media, of course, for they ‘know’ nothing, wouldn’ t you agree?  They simply parrot things and the main thing they parrot is what vested interests and the govt tell them to parrot.

But not even the ‘alt media’ – the people scattered all about who put up videos and sites pronouncing on the war and the way things are going etc.  Keeping us ‘up to date’.

Not even them.

And they are the ones we want to trust.

But we can’t.  Why not? How so? Simply because of what they call it:   ‘The Ukraine v Russia’  war.

They talk about it in exactly and precisely those terms:  It is ‘Ukraine advanced here’ and ‘Russia attacked there’.  Constantly.  Never ending.  No variation. For two years now.

See anything wrong with it?

Well consider: how can it be ‘Ukraine attacking’ when it is attacking Ukrainians?

How can it be ‘Russia attacking’ when the soldiers side by side with the Russians are Ukrainians?

All of 2022 the men in the front line trenches were Donbas Ukrainians.

The men who are taking Avdeevka at the moment, who took the waste heap are Donbas Ukrainians from a famous Donbas Unit.

And that’s it:  10 million Donbas Ukrainians are totally ignored, marginalised, forgotten by all sides, all reporters, all observers, all pundits.